The lovely and talented Sarah (Mostly)
Me (a bit)
Using Stencils cut from the photos of our friends, blu-tac and black spray paint we set about the Bristol halls of residence, 'Goldney Hall', and immortalised our friends in a few discreet places. And when I say 'we' I mean that Sarah did all the preparation and work, while I ran skipping behind like an excitable child.
Me and Richard
- My personal favourite (The black in the middle is a silhouette of Sarah that went wrong, I think we can get away with saying it looks like some sort of musical instrument in its case?)
Sarah herself
Megan and Alex (From the radio show of the same name, but reversed)
- Alex has come out looking a bit like someone I used to know who is now a massive wanker, which is unfortunate because Alex rocks my world.
- The black below her chin is her hand, but it smudged when the stencil was taken off.
And standing in the shadow of this large body of work is my sole attempt - a silhouette of a pinup girl:
The other girl here (far left and right) will hopefully be appearing stencilled somewhere soon, although I was reluctant as people suggested it was hard to make out what it is unless you've seen the original picture.
So there you go, a morning well spent we feel, expect to see more in the future, and remember, when we crime it, we crime it good.